
Voice of the Elders

Denakkanaaga means ‘Our People Speak’
in Koyukon-Athabascan.

Denakkanaaga, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that serves as the voice for Native Elders of Interior Alaska. As Native Elders speak out on social and cultural issues, passing on their traditions, language, skills, stories and values, Denakkanaaga acts on their behalf by following up on directives set forth by them.

Trimble Gilbert portrait in studio

First Traditional Chief Trimble Gilbert

Second Traditional Chief Andrew Jimmie

Denakkanaaga honors our region’s First Traditional Chief Trimble Gilbert of Arctic Village and Second Traditional Chief Andrew Jimmie of Minto.

Selected by Elders at the Denakkanaaga Elders and Youth Conference, these esteemed leaders have great knowledge about the traditions, customs, and Native way of life of the tribes within Interior Alaska. They provide guidance on issues impacting the region’s Native communities and offer words of wisdom at many gatherings and meetings throughout the year. Once selected, the First and Second Traditional Chiefs serve in these capacities for life.

- Trimble Gilbert photo courtesy of Tanana Chiefs Conference

Check our our latest video:
Mending the Net: Alaska Native Elders Mentoring Elders

About Denakkanaaga

As Native Elders speak out on social and cultural issues, passing on their traditions, language, skills, stories and values, Denakkanaaga acts on their behalf by following up on directives set forth by them.

Denakkanaaga Culture Camp group photo holding moose hide

Our Programs

Denakkanaaga’s programs and operations are made possible by the support of major funders, such as Doyon, Limited. Denakkanaaga thanks Doyon, Limited for their continued annual support of our region’s Elders and youth!

Denakkanaaga is pleased to collaborate with the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center and Tanana Chiefs Conference on cultural programs. Each month programs will be presented centered on seasonal themes and feature respected Elders and leaders from the Native community.

4 images of artwork: beadwork, bark bowls, beaded pin, beaded slippers with beaded flowers

Elder Artwork

We are pleased to assist our region’s Elders and artists in selling their traditional and contemporary artwork at the Denakkanaaga office, and through a monthly pop-up sale.  Items include moose hide slippers, beaded scissor cases, barrettes, pins, purses, necklaces, earrings and much, much more!

"Go Forward with Power. Respect the land, people, and animals. Carry on our traditions, values and cultures."

- Roy David, Tok Elder

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