Native Language

Native Language Links

  • Animal Games example and how to make Alaskan animal dice

    Animal Names Dice Game

    Animal Names is a dice game and a way to learn a few nouns in Benhti Kenaga, Gwich’in and Denaakk’e, just three of the eleven Athabascan languages among twenty Alaska Native languages. The game is a way to add some fun to language learning. If you do not have a set of the dice yet, you can download, print, and fold your own.

    Animal Game Video Tutorial

  • Almost full moon in a blue sky beyond birch trees

    Language Journeys

    A series of online discussions featuring Alaska Native language speakers from across the Interior sharing experiences with their traditional languages, what inspired them to learn, and what they would like to see for the future of the languages. Allan Hayton, the Doyon Foundation Language Revitalization Program Director, moderates the series and joins in discussing the significance of one’s connection to their Native language.

  • Everyday Language Series title screenshot from Youtube

    Everyday Language Series

    Made possible with a language revitalization grant from Doyon, Limited.

    Special thanks to Irene Roberts, Gwich’in and Marie Yaska, Koyukon-Athabascan

    Everyday Language Series Koyukon - YouTube

    Everyday Language Series Gwich’in - YouTube

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